Abby, Izzy, Ally

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Daily Grind at 15 Months

This may be a boring read, but I’ve found other first-time mothers like reading it, and I think I’ll like to look back on what we were doing/when.

Here’s a look at our everyday schedule at this stage:

8:30/9:00 Babies wake up. I get out of bed too, and greet them in their nursery. Abby and Izzy are in one part of the nursery, Ally is in the other (behind double doors). I move Izzy and Abby into Ally’s crib (next to the changing table) and change all 3 diapers. Ally’s crib acts as the “holding cell”, while I change diapers. At this point, I say, “Let’s go eat breakfast” and all 3 girls follow me into the dining room to eat. I give them a cup of milk and they’ll either eat baby cereal mixed with fruit or yogurt, or microwave pancakes cut into little pieces.
Here the girls are in their holding cell (aka Ally's crib)
Abby getting diaper change while other 2 wait patiently

9:30 – 12:00 Babies play in the living room. Sometimes I dress them, sometimes they stay in jammies. They usually get fussy around 11, so I give them a cup of juice/water and turn on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. During this time, all 3 babies poop once, if not twice. (These babies poop A LOT)!

12:00 Babies eat lunch. A common meal includes chopped up Vienna chicken sticks, green beans, whole grain bread and banana. I let them eat with their fingers, which is a huge mess! They drink ice water with their meal.
Here's a pic of the girls after lunch today:

12:30-1:00 Babies play a little more in the living room, while I clean up the food bomb in the kitchen. They usually have another poopy diaper during this time.

1:00 – 4:00 Nap time! At 1, I open the gate and tell babies, “Let’s go night night.” At that point, they all say “nigh nigh, nigh nigh” and follow me into the nursery like little ducklings! I change their diapers, put them in their sleep sacks, and they all go down for a nap. The babies may not sleep this whole time, but I leave them in their cribs for the duration for some “alone time” for all of us!

4:00 Wake up!

Change babies’ diapers. I ask babies if they want a snack and they follow me into the living room for some Cheerios and juice/water.

I put their Cheerios in these little Snack Trap cups where they can reach in and get them out. A friend got them for me and I highly recommend them!

I’ve taught the girls that they have to “sit on their bottoms” while they eat their snack. It’s really cute how they follow me into the living room and automatically sit down. After snack, I usually open their play area to include the hallway and entry way of house. They run everywhere and are excited about their newfound “freedom”.

5:30/6:00 Babies eat dinner. Common dinner usually includes mac and cheese or chicken and rice, along with other fruits/veggies, cereal bar, pudding, yogurt, etc. (Not all of this… these are just common examples).

6:15/6:30 Daddy gets home! Mommy and daddy eat dinner. I would like to say I cook every night, and would feel better about myself if I did, but that’s currently not the case.

The girls like to follow daddy into our room to change out of work clothes. They head for our door when he says, "Let's change clothes!"

6:30-7:30 Play with daddy. Usually daddy acts as multiple amusement park rides or the “chaser” of the babies where he tackles them and tickles them.

Today, we had a visitor... Here are the girls looking out the windows because they see their "lala" (my mom) in the driveway.

7:30 Bathtime is every other night… Every night if babies got particularly dirty that day. We usually bathe them in the tub, but sometimes I’ll bathe them in the kitchen sink if I’m in a hurry and don’t care about giving them time to play in the tub.

8:00 Night milk. Ally drinks a sippy cup of milk. Izzy and Abby still prefer a bottle at this time. When I say they prefer their bottle, I mean they drink WAY more if I give them a bottle. This is the only time of day they get a bottle.

8:40 “Nigh Nigh”. Babies all go to bed. Sometimes they’ll cry for a few minutes, but rarely more than 5 min. At this time, Matt picks up the toys in the living room and I load a number of sippy cups into the dishwasher and straighten the kitchen.

Usually 1 or more babies will wake up once during the night and need some comfort… If they don’t have a fever or a poopy diaper, I lay them back down and let them cry it out, after some loving from mommy. Depending on the problem, I may also give them infant Tylenol or Benadryl.

I’ve read over and over that the #1 key to a happy baby is a schedule and predictability. As you can see, these babies DEFINITELY get this!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

15 month Check up

We just got back from the Dr. yesterday for the girls' 15 month check-up. As always, the Dr. was very complimentary on how well behaved the girls are, and on what great temperaments they have. Everyone is growing at a nice pace. Here were their measurements (I always pay more attention to the percentiles to know how they compare to other babies):

Izzy: Length 29 1/4 inches (25th percentile), Weight 19 lbs. 8.5 oz (10th percentile), Head Circ. 17 3/4 in (25th percentile)

Abby: Length 28 3/4 inches (10th percentile), Weight 19 lbs. 5 oz (10th percentile), Head Circ. 17 3/4 in (25th percentile)

Ally: Length 30 1/4 inches (50th percentile), Weight 21 lbs. 12 oz (30th percentile), Head Circ. 17 3/4 in (25th percentile)

Though the Dr. had good things to say about the girls, I can't say Cheryl (Matt's mom) and I have good things to say about this particular visit. As a matter of fact, we both described it as the dr's visit from Hell!!! :)
On Sunday night, I bathed the girls, packed their diaper bag and ironed their cute little outfits for the next day. It was going to be a smooth day.

It did start out pretty smooth, and we got on the road ahead of time with babies loaded and content. It was about 1/4 of the way into the trip (between Chouteau and Inola) when Ally decided to VOMIT ALL OVER HERSELF and her car seat. We pulled the van over and assessed the damage. It was MASSIVE!  Now that they're older and don't spit up anymore, I never bring an extra change of clothes and only 2 small burp cloths to wipe noses, etc. We used our 2 measely burp cloths and didn't even make a dent. It was so bad, even Cheryl was about to toss her own cookies breathing the smell! We decided to see if my mom was still at home (she lives in Inola), which was about 10 minutes from where we were. Luckily, she was still home, and got some bathwater running for us. Once we got to mom's house, I took care of Ally, Cheryl cleaned out her car seat (as best she could... it was bad), and mom hunted for a change of clothes. Another big break: mom had some 12-24 month clothes stored upstairs that used to be my niece's! After we got Ally loaded back in the van (the other 2 sitting patiently in the running van this whole time), we were back on track to be at the Dr. around 10 minutes late.

Once we got to the Dr, we were pretty emotionally and physically spent, but they decided to test our patience a little longer by making us wait in the exam room for about an hour with three 15 month-olds running around, getting into everything! (Both Cheryl and I cringing at everything they touched, given the sick kiddos in that room every day). Once the Dr. examined Izzy and Abby, he started to get to Ally, then received a phone call from his daughter in Ethiopia that he had to take.... ETHIOPIA! Really?! Is this a joke?! We totally understood why he needed to take it, but we've already waited forever and the girls were so restless! About 15 minutes later, he came back and finished the exam. After all of this, we got to finish the lovely visit with 2 shots for each of the girls. And, I don't care how good their temperaments are, babies SCREAM after these shots and it is very hard to comfort 3 histerically screaming babies. Not to mention the fact that once they see one get the shots, they know their own fate, which makes it hard to get them to sit still. Needless to say, not my favorite Dr's appt.

On a brighter note, we had a great weekend with the girls! We went to Tulsa on Saturday night with some friends, who also have a baby. We ate at Fuddrucker's (spacious, loud, fast.... good for 4 babies), then went to the mall and walked around. We only brought the double stroller, so we borrowed one of the mall strollers, which look like little cars! Abby and Izzy both got to ride in the "car" at different times:

We were a little late getting home, so we pulled over at a convenience store to change a diaper that was smelling up the van and buy some milk for them to drink on the way home. That way, the babies could go straight to bed when we got home. I sat in back with the girls while they drank their milk and we had a very good time the whole way home.

Here's Abby drinking her milk:

Here's Ally (left) and Izzy (right) CRACKING UP laughing at mommy

More giggling....

Here's a pic of the girls in nursery on Wednesday night at church. A friend working the nursery sent this to me to reassure me that the girls were doing well in their "class". (left to right - Ally, Izzy Abby) Going to have to teach them how to sit in skirts!!!

Also, good news about the house: Just heard from the Realtor yesterday that the family that has come to look twice, has "chosen" our house. Though they're preapproved and currently renting, they were not approved for as much as we're asking, so they're trying a different lender. Please pray this all goes smoothly and we get a good offer from them!

That's all for now... babies getting pretty unhappy at my lack of attention to them at this point!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Ally giggling / Izzy talking

Daddy tickling Ally as she giggles her perfect giggle. Izzy being ornery, but saying a few words for the camera.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Additional videos and pics

A friend of mine, with a baby around the same age, sent me this pic of her son, Pierce, "catching up on his ladies" (reading the blog). Made me laugh out loud!

Here are some videos of the girls playing

Thursday, August 12, 2010

15 Month Update

Not a lot has been going on around here to blog about.... It's so ridiculously hot outside, we try to stay indoors, so the girls seem to be a little restless. Temps have been above 100 for the last few weeks. We've also been dealing with sick babies for the last 3 weeks, so that hasn't helped our activity either. One of my BIGGEST frustrations with triplets is it seems they're always sick. I know babies get sick a lot, but in this case, one baby gets sick, then another, then the other, then it makes the rounds again. Next thing you know, another bug comes along to make it's rounds. We've been dealing with fever, diarrhea, and fussiness for what seems like forever! We hadn't been to church in 3 weeks, because the girls always seem to spike a 103 degree temp on Saturday night. This last Saturday, it happened again. I couldn't take it anymore, and we all went to church anyway. Izzy was the one with the fever, so I just didn't put her in the nursery. Luckily, so many people were working the nursery, one of the workers just took her in a separate room and kept her.

They're good most of the time, but because of the sickness and because we have 3 babies, sometimes it feels like we're constantly dealing with fussiness. To be honest, yesterday I was contemplating running away! Izzy (the one who is usually pretty independent), decided to be extremely clingy. She wanted to sit on my lap or be with me all day. Even if she could see me in the other room, she was still unhappy. You know how in the movies when someone is running from something, like a wild animal, and they shut the door and the animal is clawing at the door to get them? That's how I felt yesterday... my pack of wild animals was clamoring to "attack" me every second of the day. When "nigh nigh" finally came, I breathed a big sigh of relief and yelled "FREEDOM"!!! Matt says I'm funny though... even when I've had enough of babies and want nothing more to do with them for the day, it's still all I do. I look at pictures of them, or read other triplet blogs. He's like, "Haven't you had enough babies for today?"

Something I haven't mentioned in a while: the house is still up for sale. Up until now, we've hardly had any lookers, but we recently had a couple come through that seemed very interested. They were preapproved and currently renting (a very good combo!) They said they'd looked at over 30 houses, and ours was at the top of their list. I'm praying it all works out with them, but even if it doesn't, it was encouraging to have someone show a smidgen of interest for once. We're really trying to be patient and keep the faith that if it's meant to be, it will happen.

Matt's parents helped us put the double doors up in the nursery, which is working out really nicely. Before we had the babies, we made an opening between two bedrooms to make one large nursery. It worked well for a while, but Ally was constantly being separated and was having to sleep in a pack and play in the guest room all the time. Now that the doors have been up, we put her crib on one side of the doors and Izzy and Abby's on the other. Both sides have fans to drown out noise. They can still wake each other up if they scream loud enough, but it's working a lot better and it's nice to have Ally back in her bed where she belongs. Here's a pic of the new doors and nursery. (I still have to paint the doors white).

View from Izzy and Abby's room

View from Ally's room

The babies are still learning their body parts and doing more and more each day. Now, they can point to their feet and belly, in addition to their ears, nose, mouth, head, etc. Here's a pic of Abby when asked where her belly is (Matt taught her to lift her shirt). Ally's riding on the beloved mermaid car next to her:

I'm starting to try and break Ally from her pacifier. To start, I'm only letting her have it when she sleeps. It's going to be tough, but we gotta start sometime. I don't know how long I'll let her have it only at night... It really doesn't bother me, so at this point, she'll probably have it a while longer. I usually put multiple paci's in her bed, so if she drops one, she has another. During today's nap, though, she threw ALL FOUR paci's out of her bed and stood there screaming bloody murder. I picked them up and gave them back to her, but I'm not doing it again. If she decides to throw them out again, she's going to have to suffer the consequences. Little turkey.

Here's some updated pics of the girls:

Izzy giggling on the floor
Izzy with her ornery look
Izzy, looking sweet

Abby being pouty
Happy Abby with cute flipped hair

Ally making her mad face
Sweet Ally

Silly Ally
I took these pics after the girls' afternoon nap... Here they are eating their snack & milk:

Here they are running up and down the hallway (one of their favorite new pass times):

Our 15 month check-up is 8/23, so I'll be sure to post weights, etc. after this appt.
More videos coming soon....